Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Creation liturgy #6: Prayers of Commitment & Blessing

The final words of our Creation season liturgy, after sharing communion together, include the Notices! At best, these are an opportunity for people to share invitations into various forms of collective activity/action - seeking the 'shalom' of the Earth, as well as our human kin. Joanna Macy & Chris Johnstone's book 'Active Hope' has been influential in shaping our liturgy, our gatherings, our conversations and our actions this Creation season - and, we expect, in the months and years to come. Joanna's 'Commitment' here, slightly tweaked, was a powerful invitation to collective commitment at the end of our gatherings each week.



…including invitations to get involved in actions we’re taking individually or collectively as a church.


God is here:
God’s Spirit is with us!

            Let us make this vow to God and to one another:

I vow to commit myself daily to the healing of our world
and the welfare of all beings;

            to live on Earth more lightly and less violently
            in the food, products, and energy I consume;

            to draw strength and guidance from the living Earth,
            the ancestors, the future generations,
            my siblings of all species
            and from God, the breath of life;

            to support others in their work for the world
            and to ask for help when I need it;

            and to pursue a daily practice
            that clarifies my mind, strengthens my heart,
            and supports me in observing these vows.

Amen. May it be so.

[adapted from Joanna Macy & Chris Johnstone, Active Hope]



We reach down (as far as we are able) to touch the ground again, to re-connect ourselves with the earth, and then open our hands ready to receive and share God’s blessing:

We go out from this place,
knowing that all ground is holy ground;
breathing with the breath of God,
aflame with the passion of God,
and drenched in the blessing of God,
life-giver, pain-bearer, love-maker,
for us, and for all creation.

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